Paying for your Entry on via Paypal Widget

Please find attached a PDF which showcases how to enter your pony on our website.

Entering Your Pony On

PLEASE NOTE: by clicking the Paypal button it doesn’t require you to have a Paypal account it means proceed to payment that will be processed by Paypal.


You will then see the screenshot below which gives you an option to create an account with Paypal or pay by Debit or Credit Card. Most customers just want to pay by debit or credit card so click this.

You will then need to include your email to proceed as a guest, this is required so you can receive an email from Paypal confirming your payment once it is processed post entering your details. Please hit continue to payment.

In the screenshot below you will then need to populate all of the information required in the screenshots below and if you don’t want to create a Paypal account please don’t say agree to save information and create paypal account and rather just pay now.


